Feel embarrassed stumbling on new words you're learning? Do this.
Feeling embarrassed stumbling on new words you are learning? Do this.
We have all felt, at some point in our language learning process, that inherent fear at the time of speaking that tells us that if we make a mistake, we will look silly.
Here is the second tip for overcoming shyness that will help this awkward sensation go away at the time of speaking.
For tip one see: How to stop being shy and learn a new language.
Here is the second tip for overcoming shyness that will help this awkward sensation go away at the time of speaking.
For tip one see: How to stop being shy and learn a new language.
That cliche statement 'practice makes perfect' is totally true when learning a new language...
The reason why we feel nervous and insecure when speaking in a second language is because we are lacking self-confidence. Self-confidence, in this case, is built with practice. We have all heard the saying “practice makes perfect” and it also applies for language learning.
Trust me, I get it. I am a second language student myself at the moment so I know first hand how it feels to be in the beginning steps of language acquisition so I would like to share some of the things I do to improve my learning process that I am sure will work for you as well.
Trust me, I get it. I am a second language student myself at the moment so I know first hand how it feels to be in the beginning steps of language acquisition so I would like to share some of the things I do to improve my learning process that I am sure will work for you as well.
Stop stumbling on words by working out your mouth!
It is really important that you understand that speaking implies that you actually use the muscles in your tongue, lips and cheeks in ways that you haven't used them before.
The sounds that you are trying to pronounce are different from the ones you have used all your life so it is absolutely normal that you cannot pronounce them as you wish you did. That is because, like any other muscle in your body, facial muscles need training. Yes, the same kind of training your legs, abs and arms do when you go to the gym.
The sounds that you are trying to pronounce are different from the ones you have used all your life so it is absolutely normal that you cannot pronounce them as you wish you did. That is because, like any other muscle in your body, facial muscles need training. Yes, the same kind of training your legs, abs and arms do when you go to the gym.
All too often, I hear my students say something in Spanish and then go “ugh! I’m sorry, it sounded way better in my head”. Of course it did! Because thought is one thing and physical performance is another! So, my advice number two to help you in this area is: practice, practice, practice.
Make use of any time you are alone to repeat new words and phrases! Do it while you are driving, cooking, having a shower or doing the dishes. Just think of random phrases to say in the target language. I do this a lot. For instance, if I am at home cooking and I suddenly feel thirsty, one my way to the fridge and while I am pouring myself some water, I will try and say in French: I am thirsty, I need some water. I make the phrase in my mind and repeat it a couple times out loud until I am satisfied with how it sounds.
How can you practice more with your busy schedule?
Be as crazy as me and have conversations in your head with yourself while you are at home doing your daily life, stop for a second and ask yourself “could I have said this in my second language?” “How would I say it?” Then say it, and repeat it out loud a bunch of times until you feel more comfortable saying it.Make use of any time you are alone to repeat new words and phrases! Do it while you are driving, cooking, having a shower or doing the dishes. Just think of random phrases to say in the target language. I do this a lot. For instance, if I am at home cooking and I suddenly feel thirsty, one my way to the fridge and while I am pouring myself some water, I will try and say in French: I am thirsty, I need some water. I make the phrase in my mind and repeat it a couple times out loud until I am satisfied with how it sounds.
"To learn a new language is to have one more window from which to look at the word." - Chinese Proverb
Why doing this? Because this will give you the muscle practice that you need to pronounce better. And remember that muscles have memory, so next time, you won’t struggle so much when speaking.
Once you have heard yourself speak enough and are satisfied with how you sound, your self-confidence will go up and you will not fear so much speaking in front of others because you will know you have done it before and you can do it again. Yes! You can!
Once you have heard yourself speak enough and are satisfied with how you sound, your self-confidence will go up and you will not fear so much speaking in front of others because you will know you have done it before and you can do it again. Yes! You can!
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